To avoid the slightest interference with the right of conscience or the functions of religion, so wisely exemped from civil jurisdiction; 避免最轻微的对良知权利和宗教功能的干涉,这些在民事裁判中豁免;
In overall judicial process, every citizen should be entitled to the right of access to justice, the right of impartial jurisdiction and the right of due process. 任何公民在整个司法过程均享有接近司法正义的权利、获得公正审判的权利以及正当程序权利。
When the domiciles and regular abodes of several defendants in the same civil suit come under the jurisdiction of two or more people's courts, they all have the right of jurisdiction. 同一诉讼的几个被告住所地、经常居住地在两个以上人民法院辖区的,各该人民法院都有管辖权。
Where a party has an objection to the right of jurisdiction after the case is accepted by the people's court, the party shall raise its objection at the time of submitting a written reply. 人民法院受理案件后,当事人对管辖权有异议的,应当在提交答辩状期间提出。
The London Company was given the right to settle the southern part of the English territory in America; the Plymouth Company was given jurisdiction over the northern part. 英国公司有权在美洲大陆的英国领地的南部定居;普利茅斯公司获得对北部的管辖权。
In early English law, the right of local jurisdiction, generally one of the feudal rights of lordship. 在早期的英国法律中,地方司法审判的权力,总体上是贵族的封建权利之一。
A tortious act infringing upon the right of communication through information network in Internet information services shall be under the jurisdiction of the copyright administration department at the place where the tortious act was conducted. 侵犯互联网信息服务活动中的信息网络传播权的行为由侵权行为实施地的著作权行政管理部门管辖。
So it is necessary to research and probe into situation of the right to conflict of district jurisdiction, and then formulate the principle to the conflict of the district jurisdiction, which lead to solve the suit criminal action legally and timely. 研究、探讨刑事诉讼地域管辖权冲突现象,确立解决地域管辖权冲突的指导原则,对依法、及时进行刑事诉讼,具有一定的现实意义。
The article analyzes the right theoretically and practically in terms of the constituent elements, the parties, the scope of restitution interest, the jurisdiction and the limitation of actions. 文章从理论和实务角度对票据利益返还请求权成立的条件、票据利益返还请求权的当事人、利益返还的范围、诉讼管辖以及时效等问题进行了分析梳理。
The right of public prosecution refers to separating the right of sue from the jurisdiction and forming a independent state right, carried out by the state specialized organizations who represents the state in the criminal suits. 公诉权是将起诉权从审判权中分离出来而形成的一个独立的国家权限,是由国家专门机关代表国家在刑事诉讼中行使的诉权。
The relation between the administrative right of police and the jurisdiction of the country. 警察的行政权与司法权之间的关系等。
The Coastal Statesand Port States have the right of interference to the vessel-source pollution on the HighSeas, and would not be restricted by traditional Flag States Jurisdiction Principle. 沿海国、港口国对公海海域的船舶污染得进行干预,不再受限于传统的船旗国管辖原则。
The Case of Network Encroachment Right of the Region Jurisdiction 论网络侵权案件地域管辖权的确定
Chapter Two reviews the history of security of right, and makes comparison among different countries of civil law jurisdiction, so as to make a clear view on the current legal system of security of right. 第二章通过对权利担保的历史沿革以及当前大陆法系各国的立法规定的比较,对现行的权利担保制度进行了考察。
On the Right of Free Jurisdiction and Effective Supervision 论司法自由裁量权及有效监控
The judicial change right of administrative litigation is the important component of court's administrative jurisdiction. 行政诉讼司法变更权,是法院行政审判权的重要组成部分。
Criminal-jurisprudence Thinking on the Right of Personal Jurisdiction 属人管辖权的刑法思考
The defendant in criminal proceeding should have a basic right of demurring at the jurisdiction of trial. 刑事被告人对审判管辖权异议申请应当是当事人的一项基本诉讼权利。
The cultivation and development of socialist market economy calls for the principles of the right autonomy can be of significance in legislature and jurisdiction. 社会主义市场经济的培育和发展,在立法和司法上呼唤着意思自治原则的正确运作。
In the Law of all countries, Institution has the right to make decision on the validity of Arbitration Agreement and its Jurisdiction. 文章第四部分探讨了仲裁机构对仲裁协议有效性的确认。在国际商事仲裁实践中,仲裁协议的有效性总是与仲裁管辖权的问题联系在一起的。
The correspondence in the form is shown as: the criminal litigation right is the precondition of jurisdiction, and the jurisdiction is the response to litigation jurisdiction. 形式上的对应关系表现为:刑事诉权是裁判权的前提,刑事裁判权则是对诉权的回应。
Firstly, the essay explains the right of application and the territorial jurisdiction, holding the opinion our law should prescribe enrolling claim right. 首先,对动产抵押权登记的申请权和地域管辖进行了分析和说明,主张我国应建立登记请求权制度。
Finally, by introducing the relative mechanisms of the protection of the right of been educated of minority nationalities abroad, from legislation, administration, jurisdiction etc. made some suggestions to improve the right of been educated of minority of nationalities of our country. 最后,通过介绍国外保护少数民族受教育权的相关机制,从立法、行政、司法等方面对完善我国少数民族受教育权进行了反思。
The system not only safeguards and realizes the right of collection and provision of evidence for the agent and ensures that the court which has jurisdiction make an impartial judge and also has benefit to get a alternative settlement to civil dispute. 它不仅能够保障并落实当事人的证据收集权和证据提出权,保证受诉法院做出公正裁判,而且有利于促进纠纷的诉讼外解决。
Firstly, we should perfect the right to appeal through the abolition of first instance jurisdiction of the Supreme Court over criminal cases. 第一,通过废除最高人民法院对第一审刑事案件的管辖权和赋予二审中被初次定罪者以上诉权来完善上诉权。
The right of Civil Protest is the first consideration to run Civil Protest Procedure, so we should limit the right of Civil Protest reasonable, we must deal with the relations with jurisdiction and a party right to applies for retrial. 民事抗诉权是民事抗诉程序运行的首要考虑因素,合理限定民事抗诉权,必须处理好其与审判权、当事人申请再审权的关系。
At the same time, this subsystem and the subsystem which between litigious right of litigation and jurisdiction affect corporately, they control jurisdiction effectively and prevent the judicial authority abusing, and thus forming good restriction system in trial grade. 同时,该子系统与诉权与审判权互动的子系统协同作用,对审判权实行着有效牵制,防止了审判权的失控和滥用,从而形成了良性的审级制约机制。
The Right to Prove of civil action is the right to be a constraint of the judicial jurisdiction and protection of parties 'the dominant position in civil justice. 民事诉讼中的证明权,指保障当事人在民事诉讼司法证明中的主体地位,制衡法官裁量权的应然性权利。
Taxing power is an important component of state authority, including the right of tax legislation, tax jurisdiction, tax revenue attribution. 税权是国家权力的重要组成部分,它包括税收立法权、税收司法权、税收征管权和税收收入归属权。
The restriction of the content characterized by: criminal litigation right defines the scope of the jurisdiction and the criminal jurisdiction decides the realization of the litigation right. 内容上的制约关系表现为:刑事诉权界定裁判权的范围,刑事裁判权决定诉权的实现程度。